OIB students, teachers and other people, now you may at last make use of your freedom of expression.
Needless to say, the only bridle to your inspiration, politeness and respect, should nevertheless be respected!

Although a special section might well be created for this purpose later on, old OIB students are all especially invited to use this chat to tell us what they're becoming, what they're doing etc!...

Add a message

Milena R. - late for OIB inscription (2021-05-06)


This year, I'm finishing middle school. I'm in the Academy of Poitiers and I didn't know that an OIB existed until recently when some of my teachers encouraged me to go to the Lycée François Magendie.

I have a very high level in english and I'm a good student, but I didn't send any inscription before the 1st of April. If there are still places left in an OIB class, would it be possible for me to send an inscription later? If not, can I try out next year, in première?

Sincerely, Milena

Lume - Howdy (2021-03-23)

it's been 3,000 years

Nora O - Is It possible to join later ? (2021-03-15)


I'm currently in an european section in another school, but my classmates kind of have a low level in english, so we're learning very slowly, and I'm quite sad because of that.
So next year I wanted to try to join Magendie, but I didn't know if it was possible since I would join in the second year, and I only did european classes before.
So to the teachers and students, do you think it's possible ? Did you see another student do it ? If yes, how did they do it ?

frederic decreau - entrance exam past questions (2021-03-03)


During the chat we had with Mr Raskauskas recently, he told us we could find the questions of previous OIB entrance tests on magendie's web site.
Unfortunately, I can't find them.
Could someone please help us access it, we'd be grateful :-)

Frédéric Décréau

Ana Florentino - Sujet des tests d'admissions (2021-01-25)

Je me renseigne sur la section internationale américaine et je me pose plein de questions. Pourrais-je avoir un ancien sujet d'essai pour les tests d'admissions ? J'essaie de m'entrainer pour la rentrée 2021-2022. Les tests ont lieu en avril 2021 donc je cherche un exemple.
Merci de votre retour.

Salomé Rakotomanga - Liste de fournitures et livres (2020-08-09)

Je vais rentrer au lycée magendie en OIB cette année (20-21) et je ne trouve la liste de fournitures nul part et je voulais donc savoir ce dont j'aurais besoin pour chaque matière. Je voulais aussi savoir s'il y a une organisation pour racheter les livres des anciens 2nde ou si nous devons les acheter plein tarif en magasin.

Merci beaucoup,


Joe dixon - Moving to France (2020-06-29)

My family and I are moving to Bordeaux in 2021. My daughter will be 16 at that time and
will still need two more years of high school before applying for college. Would OIB be appropriate for her? She does not speak French, would she have to complete three years at OIB? She hopes to attend college in Europe. Thanks!

El Mahi Benlefkih Fatima Ezahra - Help for an inscription (2019-03-17)

Hello,my name is Fatima Ezahra El Mahi Benlefkih I moved from Spain to France for my dream, get into the OIB American Section,I called your High School Magendie and I asked if I could join 11th grade 2019-2020 and they replied that the class was full and all the inscriptions are made for the ones starting 10th grade......so they advised me to write an email demanding for a place in your establishment. Please I ask you to give me an opportunity because I truly love this language. I left everything in Spain and risked everything to start from the bottom in a new country. I believe in a quote that says " If you have a heartbeat, there's still time for your dreams". Please help me!!! Contact number: 0752798115
Thanks for your attention.

Sandrine Colosetti - Passage en seconde après année en high school (2019-03-15)


Mon mari et moi sommes professeurs des écoles en détachement à l’étranger depuis septembre 2014. Notre fille, Lilla née en 2005 effectue sa scolarité en établissement internationaux homologués par la France depuis son CM1.

Nous sommes actuellement à la French American School of Princeton où Lilla achève son année de quatrième en section bilingue (elle effectue le programme de quatrième français et le programme américain de grade 8). L’an prochain, nous l’inscrirons en première année de high school américaine car l’école ne possède pas de classe de troisième et il n’est pas envisageable de l’envoyer tous les jours à New York au lycée français.

Nous rentrerons définitivement en France en juin 2020 afin que Lilla puisse commencer son lycée en France.

Nous aimerions connaître la procédure à suivre pour l’inscrire dans votre lycée car elle ne sera plus l’année prochaine dans un établissement homologué. Je ne sais pas comment faire car nous n’avons pas d’établissement avec section OIB dans notre secteur de carte scolaire ni même dans notre département (nous vivons à Sanguinet, département des Landes).

Je m’adresse à vous car elle souhaiterait fortement continuer dans un enseignement bilingue, nous viendrons l'année prochaine passer les test d’admission à votre section OIB Américain mais j’aimerais savoir comment constituer au mieux son dossier.

Lilla est une élève très sérieuse, elle suivra les cours du CNED de troisième en Français, Histoire- Géographie et Mathématiques , mais si vous ne le conseillez nous pourrons l'inscrire dans d'autres matières que vous jugerez nécessaires.
Je ne sais pas si elle pourra passer le brevet en candidat libre mais si ça vous intéresse, je me renseignerai auprès de l’établissement français à New York.

Lilla adore les langues (elle suit les cours du CNED en japonais), je pense qu’elle aurait sa place dans votre section OIB.

Je vous remercie de votre attention, n’hésitez pas à me joindre si vous souhaitez des précisions.

Bien cordialement,

Sandrine Colosetti

Hannah GOUGH - admission (2018-12-14)

Hello, I'm an native english student living in France, Libourne. I studied here for half the year in troisieme in collège and now have spent 4 months in the Lycée Max Linder.
I was recommended by my old collège (les Dagueys) to apply to go to Lycée Magendie. However due to some problems, I had no choice but to return to London in February (where i used to live). Because of this I had missed the administration tests and portes ouvertes.
I am writing this letter to see if I can apply now to become an OIB student as soon as possible.

Deanne Curinier - Admission rentrée 2018 (2018-01-29)


I have just recently heard about the American section at Lycée Magendie and I was hoping you could answer a few questions I have. I am American and live in Pau. My daughter is in 3e this year and is currently enrolled in SIA (section internationale anglaise). She is very interested in integrating the American Section in Bordeaux. I saw on your website that she will need to take an entrance exam. Do you already have the dates for the exam and how does she sign up to take it? We would like to attend the "portes ouvertes" on March 10th. Will there be someone representing the American Section? Thank you so much for any information you can give me.

Looking forward to hearing from you and kind regards,

Deanne Curinier

sia student - reading list (2015-05-14)

I would like to know if there is a recommended reading list that i can obtain to know what books i could read this summer

an english teacher - help! (2011-04-20)

Could you please tell me how the correctors work out the number of words for the writing .Does "don't" for example is 1 word or 2 words ?
I need to know because one of my pupils is taking the exam next week !
Thanks for answering quickly

Jayne Wozniak - message for Juliette Elaine Bourdet-Henrion (2010-02-18)

Hi! I'd like to get in touch with Juliette Bourdet who I believe is in her last year of OIB at Magendie,to see how she's getting on and to see what she thinks of Rebecca applying for the same section! Thanks for relaying this message!

Jayne Wozniak - message for Juliette Elaine Bourdet-Henrion (2010-02-18)

Hi! I'd like to get in touch with Juliette Bourdet who I believe is in her last year of OIB at Magendie,to see how she's getting on and to see what she thinks of Rebecca applying for the same section! Thanks for relaying this message!

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